
Frequently asked questions

Question 1: I can’t log in.. why are there so many Websites?

NoteCarry.com contains the Quick Start Course (~700 slides), Video Library (all webinars & conference presentations since 2011), Deal Board & Premium NoteCarry tools.

App.NoteCarryNetwork.com contains the software (temporary).

NoteBusinessBuilder.com is for the annual event only. 100% of this revenue goes to the Make-A-Wish Foundation

* All sites have their own set of usernames and passwords.

* You can set all usernames and passwords the same.

* Changing one password does not change the others.

Question 2: I have deals, where’s the money?

Money comes with TRUST. We strive to protect all parties in each transaction by conducting due-diligence during webinar sessions to educate members about the potential risk, reward, profits and pitfalls prior to funding.

Process to fund a Deal:

1) Schedule a v consultation with a NoteCarry Mentor

2) Work with Bob to structure a WIN-WIN-WIN Deal!

3) Your deal is featured on the next weekly webinar

4) You negotiate terms with willing lenders

Question 3: I want to buy Notes, what is the Process?

It takes both a Deal (buyer and seller) and Money (investor) to earn a Profit. To participate in a NoteCarry transaction, members bring either deals or money to create a WIN-WIN-WIN for everyone involved. We work very hard to create deals the RIGHT way, so our Notes are classified as Grade “A” Paper.

Question 4: I have money, where are the deals?

Once you become a registered NoteCarry member, you will get access to our Weekly Webinars and Private Deal Board, where you can participate with other members of the NoteCarry family to fund deals.

Question 5: What’s the difference between Yearly & Monthly Membership?

Yearly Membership is ALL INCLUSIVE, giving you access to all NoteCarry training and tools created since 2014!

Monthly Membership includes the Quick Start Course and LIVE weekly webinars from the date you start. (Quit at any time)

Question 6: I signed up for the Software.. where are the Webinars?

The “Software Only” option is precisely that. Software only.To access the LIVE Webinars and the Archived Coaching Videos since 2015, become a NoteCarry member.

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